Wednesday, September 27, 2006


568 Ashwood Rd., Springfield, NJ 07081. Tel. 973 416 1600 Fax: 973 416 1500


Apartheid was abolished in this country in late 60’s it looks like everything is still on paper only the proof is after 40 years we both are sitting in this Hall on Hunger Strike to protest against Legalized Racism in the state.

Number of intellectuals, philanthropists, defenders of freedom and civil right activists with greater eloquence and more original minds than we posses has spoken on these issues of Racial Equality and Equal Justice for All. Unfortunately NJ is the worst example of racial segregation, moral and ethical corruption. Yet no one mention the word Race in this state. It is not the question of Mayor Jun Choi of Edison or Clara Harelik of Springfield presiding over racist administrations. It is also not the question of Police Officer Michael Dotro of Edison practicing brutality on unarmed colored residents Raj Parikh, Bimal Joshi & Atul Patel or Officer Kahora pulling a gun on a 5 yr old & a 9 yr old colored children. It is not the question of one Rajnikant brutally beaten by the police in Edison. It is the question of complete failure of our Secular System and we must try to make it secular. In order for us to do that first of all we must believe in Rev. M.L.K’s divine vision “First and foremost we are American Citizens. We are not here to advocating violence. The only weapon we have is the weapon of protest. The great glory of American Democracy is the right to protest for your rights.”

That’s exactly what we are doing here to day by going on hunger strike, protesting against the gross injustice, racial discrimination and human rights violation done to so many Rajnikants by the NJ police in different parts of NJ. There are so many Rajnikants who have suffered in other parts of NJ. As Rev. M. L. King said “Injustice any where is a threat to justice every where.” The incident of police brutality and local government & police sponsored Racial Slurs against a minority community in Edison on July 4, 2006 and Aug. 2, 2006 is a threat to all minorities living in other parts of NJ. This protest symbolizes the protest and silent sufferings of so many other Rajnikant’s in different parts of NJ. We demand Suspension of Officer Michael Dotro along with other officers involved in selective enforcement of immigration laws and prosecution of individuals involved in inhuman Racial Slurs against the entire community of Indian origin to send a clear message to all those who are occupying the seats of power in New Jersey that they must believe in Equal Justice & Secular values of America. America is a melting pot of best of all brains & cultures from around the world that have made this country Great. This religious and cultural diversity had made America a Great country on the face of this earth to live and raise your families. That’s the image we must protect at all times. We must respect all human beings as creation of God in different colors.

God bless all of you and God Bless America.

Dave: With the permission of the chair I would like to say something about Internal Affair and our Police Department.

“Internal Affair those who don’t know for them it may be a very hi-tech and very responsible department. But the fact is Internal Affair is a department with in the same Police Department of every town. A broken Table with a broken chair is lying in a corner of that department. When a member of the public walks in to file a complaint against the officer of that department any officer who is on duty at that time can take that complaint. Don’t get surprised if the officer who is accepting your complaint is the same against whom you have written the complaint.

Coming to PBA it is highly unethical to have a Police Union, no where in the world Police Unions are allowed. When we have allowed a police union, let’s have a union for FBI, CIA as well as Politicians. By the way in NJ we do have a union of Politicians in NJ. There are 80% Democrats and 20% Republicans. The Republicans are living off the crumbs thrown by Democrats. That is the reason NJ is most corrupt state in the world.

This PBA has a membership of 190,000 in voter terms we are talking 325,000 voters or more. In the last elections PBA gave $1.4 Million to Democrats and they have most expansive lobbyist sitting in the Trenton to safe guard their interests.

Looking at this sceneroy you think an officer who had a cup of coffee with his colleague in the morning and in the afternoon shared Tiffin and probably going to wine and dine together at night has any interest to nail his colleague? What interest the politicians have to nail Police Departments when they treat them as big money and big chunk of voters? We leave to the members to judge and use their conscience for the answers.

Thank you all of you for the time given to us.
Dave Makkar (Media Spokesperson)


Book “Take Pity in NJ a State legally Corrupt & Racially Segregated with 250,000 Failing Students & 9,000 Elected Officials” A National Shame.
Along with responses from White House, US Senate & Governor Corzine.

Book “Victims of Legalized Racism From Indian Origin in NJ” with Reponses from White House, Ocean County Freeholders & US Congressmen Menendez etc.

Newspaper Reports 18 on Edison, 16 on Springfield, Irvington and others.

DVR for Racial Slurs of 8-02-06 against Indian-Americans, Racism in Springfield & Julie Patel’s Appeal to Indian Community on the issue of Racial Slurs (Edison)

Web Site:

Sunday, September 24, 2006


568 Ashwood Rd., Springfield, NJ 07081. Tel. 973 416 1600 Fax: 973 416 1500

PRESS RELEASE – Sep. 22, 2006


Carteret Planning Board Chairman & De-fecto owner of Dashmesh Durbar Gurudwara Sahib Ji Democrat Hardyal Singh Johal breaks his silence. To-day around 11.15 A.M. he made terrorist life threats over the phone to Dave Makkar for writing his name in the list of failed Indian-American leadership of New Jersey and commenting on his secular & democratic credentials in a e-mail sent to Punjab Express editor Mr. Ratinda.

Rather than demanding an apology from the Democrat Administration of Mayor Jun Choi, Edison Police & PBA for sponsoring the worst ever Racial Slurs against the entire Indian-American community of NJ, Mr. Johal wants an apology from Dave Makkar for raising the issue of Racial Slurs and including his name in the failed Indian-American leadership and questioning his secular and democratic credentials. Further he has warned Dave Makkar that his boys can do something really bad and in such instances one can loose their life also. If Dave Makkar does not send an apology by cross e-mail or fax today, the consequences could be worse than what he is describing. He will make sure both e-mails are printed on the front page of Punjab Express Newspaper in big bold letters. After this demanded apology e-mail/fax, Dave Makkar has to apologies in Public in the Dashmesh Durbar Gurudwara Sahib Ji on Sunday Sep. 24, 2006. If Dave Makkar failed to send apology by fax or e-mail he must come prepared to Gurudwara Sahib Ji on Sunday to face the consequences and his boys. “You are intelligent enough I am not going to repeat myself or advise again what is required from you. Good Day.” “JOHAL”

Our prayers are to the Almighty God Sri Vahey Guru Ji to give wisdom and courage to people like Johal, Satnam Singh, Upendra Chivukula etc. to rice above Party Lines to defend the honor and dignity of the community. If Republican Governor of a 4th largest economy in the world and a Virginia Republican Senator can tender apology for the racial slurs, why not a Democrat Mayor Choi, Senator Biden and Senator John Kerry can do the same for sponsoring or saying Racial Slurs against the Indian-Americans.

Dave Makkar
Media Spokesperson

Encl.: Copy of the E-Mail referred by Mr. Johal Enclosed

E-MAIL to Satnam Singh Ratinda Editor/Publisher Punjab Express Sep. 20, 06:

Subject: Pictures of 2005 Hunger Strike in Springfield.

Dear Satnam Singhji, Sat sri Akaal. I will be obliged if you can e-mail me the pictures you took in Springfield and printed in your newspaper in Aug. 2005. I am willing to pay for them if you don’t want to give them for free. The same is being demanded by some TV channels and Print Media in India. This is the 50th time I am making this request besides my numerous phone calls and request to you in person on this issue.

I know you are avoiding me and don’t want to take a stand on the issue of worst ever called racial slurs against the Indian-Americans of NJ. You took Julie’s interview and pictures but never put them in your newspaper. It looks, like your Racist friend Hardyal Singh Johal, Satnam Singh and Davinder Singh etc. and traitors like Upendra Chivukula, Seema Singh, Arvind Aggarwal, Mahesh Shah etc. you also feel that you are not from Indian origin so the white radical group has not called you Cockroach, Animal, Illiterate Go Home. You are really disgusting and a shame to your fellow journalists and to the Sikh community. May wahey guru give you sadhbudhi that you have to stand for the honor & dignity of the community.

Wahey guru ji ka khalsa wahey guru ji ki fateh.



SEP. 20, 2006 7: 17 PM

cc: Indian-American Media & Indian Media
Indian-American Religious, Cultural, Business & Political organizations
Sikh Coalition
568 Ashwood Rd., Springfield, NJ 07081. Tel. 973 416 1600 Fax; 973 416 1500

Sep. 24, 2006

Mr. Hardyal Singh Johal, Chairman
Carteret Planning Board, Fax: 732 541 8925 &
C/o Dashmesh Durbar Gurudwara Sahib Ji.
Port Reading, NJ 07064 (By Mail)


Dear Mr. Johal:

Please be advised a formal complaint has been filed against you with the Irvington Police Dept. on 9-24-06 # 2006- 48274 for making “Terrorist Threats” over the phone to Mr. Dave Makkar at his work on 9-22-06.

You must understand that the Citizens For Democracy is fighting against organized and legalized Racism in the State of New Jersey. Its volunteers will not hesitate from exposing individuals like you who may be from Indian origin with close ties to Democrats of NJ, indulging in racial bias towards other caste from Indian origin especially at Places of Worship. You along with your other friends have tarnished the sanctity and dignity of Dashmesh Durbar Sahib Ji on number of occasions by violating free speech rights of the individuals whom you and your friends think do not belong to Sikh community. It is very sad all of you have forgotten the definition of a “Sikh” and have become a disgrace to the community of warriors. Sikh history has a century old tradition which tells the whole world that they always fought against injustice & racism.

Then being an appointed officer to the Planning Board of Carteret you have violated the Code of Conduct for such office by making terrorist threats over the phone to a fellow citizen as well as fellow Indian-American. We sincerely hope Governor Corzine, Mayor Daniel Reiman, Planning Board Members of Carteret will recommend appropriate actions against you to the Bias Crime Unit in the office of the Attorney General of NJ.

Dave Makkar
Media Spokesperson

cc: Hon. Jon Corzine, Governor NJ. Fax: 609 292 3454
Hon. Christopher Christy, US Attorney. Fax: 973 645 2702
Hon. Bruce Kaplan, Prosecutor Middlesex County. Fax: 732 745 5734
Mayor Daniel Reiman. Fax: 732 541 8925
Mayor (Interim) Senator Joseph Vitale,
Mayor Jun Choi, Edison. Fax: 732 248 3738
Ms. Hector Agudosi, Bias Crime.,

Encl.: Press Release 9-22-06 with copy of e-mail sent to Mr. Ratinda Punjab Express
Appeal to Person of Indian origin

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


568 Ashwood Rd., Springfield, NJ 07081. Tel. 973 416 1600 Fax: 973 416 1500

Sep. 20, 2006

Hon. Bruce Kaplan
Prosecutor, Middlesex County
25 Kirkpatrick Street, 3rd Floor,
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Fax: 732 745 5734


Hon. Sir:

As you are already aware from our Press Release of Sep. 14, 2006 our volunteers are going for a Hunger Strike on Sep. 26, 2006 to demand written apology on moral grounds from the Edison Mayor, Police Dept. and PBA for sponsoring the worst ever called Racial Slurs in the history of America against the Indian-Americans on Aug. 2, 06.

Please be advised these volunteers will sit out side the Municipal Building of Edison by the Parking lot on Sep. 26, 2006 from 9.00 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. They will not eat or drink any thing after 12.00 A.M. (midnight) Sep. 25, 2006. After 6.00 P.M. they will join the SAALT Seminar on “Rights of Immigrants” at Iselin Public Library from 6.30-8.30P.M.

From the library these volunteers will walk on Oak Tree Road business district from Pathmark Plaza to Sona Jewellers. From there they will sit in India House till 12.00 Midnight and break their hunger strike with a Glass of Juice to be offered by Mr. Pradip “Peter” Kothari of India House.

Please be advised there will be strictly no slogan shouting at any times by these volunteers or the sympathizers/supporters who may visit them in the Municipal Complex or walk with them on Oak Tree Rd. business district or sit with them in the India House. If any permit is required or fee is to be paid to any Township or County or State authorities for this Hunger Strike/Protest, please let us know so accordingly we can comply all the applicable town, county and state laws and regulations.

As far as precedent for Hunger Strike to demand justice by Private Citizens in New Jersey is concerned the undersigned twice sat on a day’s Hunger Strike on July 4, 2005 and Aug. 8, 2005 along with his family and friends in the township of Springfield. Then Governor Richard Codey, Supreme Court Chief Justice Deborah Poritz, Attorney General Peter Harvey, Congressman Mike Ferguson, Senator Tom Kean, Assemblymen Jon Bramnik, Eric Munoz, US Senator Jon Corzine (now Governor of NJ), Police Superintendent Colonel Joseph Fuentes, Union County & Springfield elected politicians and administration never objected to that. That is a different issue the Racist & Corrupt Judge Firsichbaum, Mayor Clara Harelik, Police Chief William Chisholm and officer Kahora (who at gun point stopped a 5yr old and 9 yr old) of Springfield are still on the same posts. Unfortunately the victims of Bias Crimes, threatening phone calls, letters, e-mails, property vandalized, free speech rights violated never got any justice till date.

Please be advised for the safety and security of our volunteers we are not disclosing the names of our volunteers who will be sitting for Hunger Strike on Sep. 26, 2006. Our horrified experience during the Press Conference of Mayor Choi on Aug. 13, 06 is stopping us from disclosing the names of our volunteers. In that conference right in front of the Mayor and Edison Police self-proclaimed Exe. V.P. of IBA Mr. Chandrakant Patel charged towards our Spokesperson Mr. Dave Makkar with the intentions of physically assaulting him for making remarks that all the IBA functionaries which is a non-profit organization including Satish Poondi may have indulged into money laundering by giving $20,000.00 to Bollywood Star Bipasa Basu without a written contract. Further he added that IBA body is illegal and unelected. An alert officer of Edison Police stopped Mr. Patel when he was dangerously close to Mr. Makkar. Then outside the building another functionary Jayesh Amin speaking heatedly raising objections why IBA was discussed inside physically came too close to Mr. Makkar and was whisked away by Mr. Dilip Patel & Jasal Amin (Advisory Chairman & V.P. IBA)

We sincerely wish the things should not have come to this stage if on Aug. 23, 06 Mayor Jun Choi and Police Chief George Mieczkowski would have agreed to written apology respecting the sentiments & dignity of majority Indian-Americans on moral grounds for the worst ever racial slurs of Aug. 2, 2006 against Indian-Americans in the history of America. Mayor joining unethical & discredited individuals is no solution. We just wanted to remind them the famous words of our second President Hon. John Adams:
“Statesman....may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which freedom can securely stand...”

Kindly acknowledge receipt of this letter and oblige.

Respectfully submitted,

Dave Makkar
Media Spokesperson

568 Ashwood Rd., Springfield, NJ 07081. Tel. 973 416 1600 Fax: 973 416 1500

Sep. 25, 2006

Hon. Bruce Kaplan
Prosecutor, Middlesex County

Hon. Sir:

As you are already aware as per our letter dated 9-20-06 our volunteers are going for a Hunger Strike on Sep. 26, 2006 to demand written apology on moral grounds from the Edison Mayor, Police Dept. and PBA for sponsoring the worst ever called Racial Slurs in the history of America against the Indian-Americans on Aug. 2, 06. Please be advised these volunteers will sit out side the Municipal Building of Edison by the Parking lot on Sep. 26, 2006 from 1.30-2.00 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. They will not eat or drink any thing after 12.00 A.M. (midnight) Sep. 25, 2006. After 6.00 P.M. they will join the SAALT Seminar on “Rights of Immigrants” at Iselin Public Library from 6.30-8.30P.M. The change in the time out side the Municipal Building of Edison Twp. has been made because these volunteers will also attend the “Human Relations Committee” Meeting at 1 War Memorial, Trenton New Jersey from 9.30 A.M. till the end of the meeting and from there directly they will drive to Edison Municipal Building.

Rest of the programmer will remain the same, from Iselin library these volunteers will walk on Oak Tree Road business district from Pathmark Plaza to Sona Jewellers.
Respectfully submitted,
Dave Makkar
Media Spokesperson

cc: Hon. Jon Corzine, Governor NJ. Fax: 609 292 3454
Hon. Christopher Christie, US Attorney. Fax: 973 645 2702
Chief Justice, Supreme Court of NJ. 609 292 3320 & 609 984 6968
Attorney General, State of NJ. Fax: 609 292 3508
Mayor Jun Choi, Twp. of Edison. Fax: 732 248 3738
Interim Mayor Senator Vitale Woodbridge Fax: 732 602 6016
Ms. Hector Agudosi, Bias Crime.,
Fax: 609 219 6595
Walter A. DeAngelo, Fax: 732 745 3454
Ms. Reema Desai, SAALT.
Ms. Deborah Jacobs, ACLU, NJ.
Mr. Raj Bhakta, Republican for US Congress in PA.
Mr. Pradip “Peter” Kothari, Fax: 732 283 1091


Saturday, September 09, 2006


568 Ashwood Rd., Springfield, NJ 07081. 973 416 1600 Fax: 973 416 1400

Sep. 7, 2006

Hon. Bruce J. Kaplan, Prosecutor
Middlesex County
25 Kirkpatrick Street, 3rd Floor
New Brunswick, NJ 080901

Re: Your Letter dated Aug. 17, 2006 postmarked Aug. 31, 2006 and received on
Sep.1, 2006 in the matters of State v. Parikh Case # 06-001931 001
Worst ever Racial Slurs against the entire Indian-American Community by a
White radical group sponsored by the administration of Mayor Choi and his
Police Department under the directives of PBA on Aug. 2, 2006

Honorable Sir:

Thank you for your misguided efforts of down grading the charges against the victim of Police Brutality and gross injustice within the parameters of our rotten system. Here unionized Police force runs the administrations, has powers to finance politicians elections and politicians can use PBA credit cards for their personal needs. We are little puzzled on the date of this letter being Aug. 17, 2006 and why in our two meetings of Aug. 23rd and 29th no mention was made to this particular letter? That raises the issues of credibility for the office you are holding and your intentions to dispense equal justice. Even the Assemblyman Barnes and Senator Buono who were gracious enough to mediate may not approve this secrecy on your part. If you remember we complimented you as the only face from administration with intentions to settle the contagious issues of Police Brutality of July 4, 2006, civil rights violation of the victim on Aug. 2, 2006 and worst ever most inhuman, uncivilized, abusive Racial Slurs spoken against the entire Indian-American community in the history of United States of America by a white radical group sponsored by Mayor Choi’s administration and Police department under the banner of PBA in broad day light in the very presence of Print & TV media on the same day.

We still appreciate and acknowledge your honesty and courage in taking moral responsibility for the serious lapses on the part of Edison Police for not installing video surveillance cameras in all petrol cars and for not sending its officers for sensitivity training as promised by you in Aug. 2005. We are at extreme pain to point out that you have tarnished your own character, fabricated trumped up charges against the unarmed victim Rajnikant Parikh of police brutality should have been completely dropped rather than being down graded. You are fully aware about the reasons for these fabricated trumped up charges; Parking Violation Summons being issued by Officer Michael Dotro for legally parked cars at the time of arrest of the victim who does not own a car.

Middlesex County Prosecutor (2)

Mayor Choi should have ordered Federal Investigations in this inhuman incident of July 4, 2006 when allegation of illegal Summons to Legally Parked Cars, Racial Bias and Police Brutality were brought to his attention. Especially when the officer involved was Michael Dotro, who has the insanity to trample with his boots two unarmed Indian-American businessmen in Aug. 2005 in full view of our so called coward community leaders loyal to politicians only. Mayor Choi instead went along for a sham investigation by Internal Affair department of his Police department who had cleared this same officer for brutality in 2005 also. Edison Police has a checkered history of uncivilized, unlawful, inhuman behavior by some officers. Mayor Choi under pressure from them and their unethical union a circus called PBA with massive financial resources and aprx. 190,000 headstrong memberships acted like a pawn in their hands. As a politician he could not ignore PBA which may be over 300,000 voters when you account for the family members of these PBA members. Still this Circus is calling for Joker Choi’s resignation!

In a very short time Mayor Choi has reformed himself to adopt the corrupt and racist machinery of Edison and has been dividing the Indian-American community ever since he has taken office. He promised carrots to few rootless unethical individuals in the community with their personal agendas and their craze to be seen in the company of politicians in front of Media to settle the case of Aug. 2005 Police Brutality against two Indian-American businessmen involving the same officer Michael Dotro. Now Mayor Choi is again playing the same dirty game of carrots, divide, rule and secretly meeting the same kind of individuals at Rainbow Distributors and recently met Satish Poondi, Jassal Amin and Bish Majumdar at Satbari Restaurant owned by one Albert Jassani who could hardly spell the word “Politics” but his craze to pose with Politicians is remarkable. He is a big financier to the local, county and state Democrats of New Jersey. Satish Poondi was extended the courtesy by Mr. Kothari to attend both meetings with you and others including Mayor Choi held on Aug. 23rd & Aug. 29, 2006. Somehow for the reasons best known to him he never showed up on both occasions. Mayor Choi is an elected official and he must make public full contents of these secret meetings to avoid further damage to his own credibility and ability to govern 4th largest town Edison in the state of NJ.

In disrespect to his senior Democrat Leaders and you, Mayor Choi also broke the protocol of Aug. 23, 2006 “no comments to the Media till our second meeting” by arranging a stage managed Circus on Aug. 25, 2006 in the Hill Top Complex by misusing the official machinery with the help of his Secretary Priya Gopalan, her husband Ravi Gopalan with aspirations for official contracts in return for fund raisers for recently concluded Mayoral Elections for Mayor Choi, Nilesh Disondi with aspirations for Council Seat and Dr. Prasad as per rumors aspirations for some land deals. This trio were acting as hacklers and were publicly intimidating individuals who were asking legitimate questions to Choi. None of these above named individuals feel that honor and dignity of the Indian-American community has been compromised with worst ever Racial Slurs under the administration of Mayor Choi and Edison Police under the directives of PBA. None of these individuals feel that the honor and dignity of the Indian-Americans is far greater than their greed for some petty personal material and financial gains.

Middlesex County Prosecutor (3)

Then on Aug. 28, 2006 Mayor Choi held a Press Conference exclusively for the Indian Media of USA who like their same size American counter part are more famous for printing one sided official versions only in return for some advertisement revenue or photo sessions for their owners with politicians. They have yet to confront Democrat Assemblyman Chivukula for not making any statement on the issue of worst ever called Racial Slurs against the Indian-American community in the history of New Jersey as well as United States of America. This is the same assemblyman who can be seen all over New Jersey collecting money from individuals of Indian origin who are not in his electoral constituency in the name of his Indian origin! Then they have yet to confront Hardyal Singh Johal chairman Carteret Planning Board for being Racially Biased towards Julie Patel, wife of the victim Rajnikant Parikh. Recently “Desi NJ” life style magazine rewarded State Rate Payer Attorney Democrat Seema Singh for not taking any stand by putting her coward & greedy face on the cover and also giving high praise to Upendra Chivukula for his cowardly acts in this master piece of yellow journalism.

Please be advised on behalf of the victim and his wife we demand complete withdrawal of all fabricated and trumped up charges against the victim Rajnikant Parikh. When Mr. Parikh has done nothing illegal or wrong on July 4, 2006, why he should accept any kind of fabricated trumped up charges against him? This is against the doctrine of Equal Justice. Rather Officer Michael Dotro should be disciplined and legal action must be taken against him under Bias Crimes to set an example for those in the uniform like Chisholm, Kahora etc. of Springfield who does not believe in secularism. Our original demand for independent investigations in to the incident of police brutality of July 4, 2006 and Aug. 2, 2006 illegal role of Edison Police which led to the arrest of the victim by ICE, by Attorney General’s office or US Attorney’s office must be complied with without any further delays. At the same time we demand written apology from Mayor Choi, Edison Police and PBA for the Aug. 2, 2006 worst ever called Racial Slurs against the entire Indian-American community in the history of America.

Thank you for your honor’s kind attention to these matters.

Respectfully submitted,
Devendra “Dave” Makkar
(Media Spokesperson)

cc: Hon. Jon Corzine, Governor State of New Jersey.
Attorney General Law div. & Bias Crimes, State of NJ. 6098968691
Hon. Christopher Christie, US Attorney Fax: 973 645 2702
Mayor Jun Choi, Township of Edison.
Reema Desai, SAALT.
Deborah Jacobs, ACLU, New Jersey.
Ravinder Bhalla, Esq., attorney for Rajnikant Parikh.
CindyPaul, Esq., attorney for Rajnikant Parikh.