Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Middlesex County

Superior Court may get Parikh case

Home News Tribune Online 03/3/07


EDISON — The Rajnikant Parikh case appears to be headed back to Superior Court.
The Edison PBA has filed an appeal to block a ruling by South Amboy Municipal Court Judge Joseph C. Hoffman that would turn over internal-investigation files to Parikh's attorneys. Parikh's attorney, Paul Brickfield, plans to oppose the motion.

At issue are the files that came out of Edison's probe into the arrest of Parikh following an illegal fireworks demonstration last July 4. Parikh and police traded charges of assault. The case was heard as a disorderly persons offense last month in South Amboy.

After Hoffman ruled that Parikh's attorneys had a right to see the internal investigation documents, the Edison PBA appealed to Hoffman to change the ruling. Hoffman said he dismissed that appeal made by the PBA attorney Thomas C. Sciarrabone because the PBA has no standing in the case.

The PBA then filed the appeal in Superior Court.

Brickfield said he will file papers opposing the appeal by Wednesday. Brickfield said a Superior Court hearing is not yet scheduled, but most probably will be held the week of March 12.
"Superior Court Judge Robert Longhi wants to see the transcript made by South Amboy Judge," Brickfield said. After that, Longhi will schedule a hearing.

Parikh is being held at the Middlesex County Adult Correction Center in North Brunswick, pending a deportation order. He was arrested by Ptl. Michael Dotro during the July 4 fireworks on charges of aggravated assault on a police officer, resisting arrest, rioting and failure to disperse. The charges were later downgraded to disorderly charges by the Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office.

Hoffman told Edison to submit the two internal investigation files to the Parikh's attorneys by Tuesday. Brickfield said he expects to receive the file next week. "But will hold the investigation files and won't disclose it until Judge Longhi decides on the motion," he said.

"We disagree with the judge's statement," PBA President Michael Schwarz said about the decision by Hoffman ordering the release of the files. Schwarz said the internal investigation files should not be released because they are confidential.

However, Township Mayor Jun H. Choi said he will abide by Judge Hoffman's ruling. "We will submit the files on time," Choi said last Tuesday.


Blogger Unknown said...

This is a shame to Humanity that Racial Discrimination exists till now.

9:03 PM  

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