Wednesday, June 27, 2007



This is the phone conversation between an ICE official and some one called "Sammy" in the presence of a detainee Rajnikant Parikh when his arresting Officer Peralta was taking him from Hemisphere Bldg in Newark to Middlesex County Correctional facility:

Officer Peralta was talking to some one "Sammy" "Subject is with me I can not talk much right now. It all depends on that Fucking Mexican." Aug. 2, 2006

Dec 21, 2006 Star Ledger published an article exposing conspiracy between Edison Police and ICE to cover up a case of Police Brutality under racial bias done to Rajnikant Parikh by patrolman Michael Dotro who has prior history of trampling his victims with boots from Indian origin along with a Gun pointing towards 13 witnesses the business owners of Indian origin. That time also Internal Affair investigation found him not guilty and the victims had to pay a fine for hanging Indian Flags for India Day Parade without a permit. In his 3 years of service he has 3 complaints against him.

Rajnikant Parikh recently saw that article and realized "Sammy" is Sam Dotro an attorney with ICE who is also the brother of Patrolman Dotro who brutalized him under racial bias on July 4th, 2006 and the Fu….. Mexican, Officer Peralta was referring to on Aug. 2nd, 2006 is his own Deportation Officer Ortiz, who is a Hispanic.

Rajnikant Parikh was arrested on Aug. 2, 2006 while demonstrating against Police Brutality with few children, adults and elderly members of his community on an 11 yr old deportation orders issued by a Texas Judge in his absentia in a conspiracy between local Police & ICE to hush up Police brutality under racial bias done to Parikh by Patrolman Dotro on July 4, 2006. This was done against the Town law, “that local police can not call Immigration & Custom Enforcement on its residents with a motive and especially without discussing with their Superiors.

Also on Aug. 2, 2006 entire community of Indian origin was called cockroaches, animals, illiterates and illegal go home by a white knuckle head group belonging to Police Union PBA members/their family members & supporters. These are the worst ever called Racial Slurs against this community in the history of America that too in the presence of Print & TV Media. They were also displaying posters, “If you act like animals, you will be treated like an animal.” People wearing T-Shirts, “welcome to America, speak in English now.” They were also shouting all kinds of racist remarks towards senior citizens, housewives, children and few adults from the Indian American community who were chanting, “We want justice, we are all children of the same God.”

Rajnikant Parikh is the victim of Police Brutality under racial bias by Patrolman Michael Dotro, Selective enforcement of Law under racial bias by ICE officers Sam Dotro & Peralta. Peralta also violated his freedom of Free Speech rights. Then he is the victim of conspiracy to cover all the above by Edison Mayor Jun Choi, PBA Chief Micheal Schwartz, County Prosecutor Bruce Kaplan and Bias Crime Head at Attorney General’s office Hester Agudosi.
Rajnikant Parikh was deported on April 14, 2007 under gross injustice just to save 1 white cop.


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