Saturday, August 19, 2006


568 Ashwood Rd., Springfield, NJ 07081. 973 416 1600 Fax: 973 416 1500

Aug. 18, 2006

Honorable President George Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC 20500


Honorable Sir,

I hope information provided to your office till date is sufficient enough to warrant your honor’s kind attention to do the needful for the community of Indian origin living in New Jersey. It is a shame to see the so called community leaders from tri-state area who are least bothered about the human dignity and self-respect and hold their Democrat Party affiliation above their own community. They openly indulged in cowardly acts done without application of mind like honoring a Democrat Mayor against the wishes of the community in a public ceremony whose racist administration is responsible for calling the entire community of Indian origin cockroaches, animals, illiterates go home etc. on Aug. 2, 2006. The NJ Republicans should also be ashamed for not reacting to the sufferings of Indian-Americans because of general perceptions they don’t vote for them?

This week the Democrat controlled USINPAC was very quick in demanding an apology from a Republican Senator George Allen from Virginia for calling S. R. Sidharth a 20 year old Democrat Party activist a monkey during one of his campaign speech. It is certainly a very bad remark Senator has made in bad taste by being disrespectful to the creation of Almighty God. Senator must tender an apology to Mr. Sidarth for his prejudiced, uncivilized, unwarranted and uncalled for remarks. But they have yet to react to the most derogatory, abusive, highly insulting Racial Slurs ever made for the entire community of Indian origin on Aug. 2, 2006 by Democrat controlled racist administration & Police Union sponsored group of white radicals and the arrest of a community member under Selective Enforcement of Law just because he questioned the police brutality of July 4, 2006 against him under prejudice to his racial background.

These so called leaders especially from New Jersey are scared of racist Police & politicians from Democrat Party. In broad day light in front of the media as well as their own community including children & women, they can lick their shoe soles. Further on 8-13-06 they physically stop a woman Bipasa Basu a famous actress from India who was the Grand Marshal for India Day Parade in the presence of a Democrat Mayor, Assemblywoman & Senator from speaking out against the surrogates of some of these leaders who tried to molest her on way from NY. They have made multiple threats to another woman US born Julie Patel & her friends with arrests and social black mailing if they hold a protest rally to ask for equal justice, equal respect in the matters of Racial Slurs to the entire community and civil rights violations to her husband Raj Parikh.

Edison Police needs no introduction for its checkered history; an officer fled the scene of an accident last summer completely naked, an officer admitted waving his gun during an off-duty argument, an officer paraded naked in front of a hotel room window during a convention, six years ago an officer was convicted of robbing a Bank an hour before he reported for duty, another was convicted of raping a drunken woman in her home in 1995, an officer Michael Dorto in Aug. 2005 brutalized two Indian-American Businessmen in front of our so called community Leaders and the same Dorto brutalized Rajnikant Parikh for illegal fire works done by others on July 4, 2006 and when Raj was demanding justice got him arrested by ICE knowingly under Selective Enforcement of Law by misusing the local, state, federal machinery in gross violation to his civil rights.

Their counterparts in Springfield township are no less racist can ignore multiple documented complaints of; illegal fire works done right next to the property of an Indian-American, threatening e-mails, letters, phone calls, damage to his property, violation of his Civil Rights, an officer stop his 5 yr old & 9 yr old at gun point from entering the Court Room during recess from meeting their mother when the racist white group was eating & drinking inside to celebrate their racist joy after intimidating and threatening a Indian-American woman under a prejudiced racist judge. This judge knowingly allowed false witnesses, evidences, wrong translator and imaginary obstructions to intimidate harass and discredit her. Indian-American husband of this woman for raising the issue of racism, professional and ethical corruption by the Springfield administration was interrogated for being a “Terrorist”. Twice he went on a Day’s hunger strike along with his family outside the Municipal Building to demand Equal Justice & Equal Rights. On both occasions no one from the racist administration of Springfield and non-active insane Governor Cody’s administration ever approached the family to ask why they are sitting outside the Municipal Building despite having prior knowledge of the hunger strike.

Because of our coward leaders so many incidents of bias crimes against Indian-Americans go unreported. Even the one those are reported these leaders have never taken a public stand. Our Sikh families being the target of bias crimes for being from Indian origin are further targeted for mistaken identity with terrorist organizations and their children; boys for long hairs and turbans are targeted for their religious believes.

Whatever is happening to Indian-Americans in legally corrupt & legally racially segregated New Jersey is really shameful. For long the Free World has considered the U.S. as the role model for Freedom and Democracy. Is this changing now? We hope the Citizens of New Jersey and even that of the entire United States raise their voice in defense of the values which are so magnificently enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. These values must be defended and upheld whenever they are challenged at all cost.

Thank you for your honor’s kind attention to these matters.

Respectfully submitted,
Devendra “Dave” Makkar


NJ Governor Jon Corzine: we have yet to understand your “Zero Tolerance Policy” first you appoint a quasi criminal as Attorney General then under pressure you demand her resignation, what about the battalion of Legislators who are also in Executive Branch of the Government? You are aware this is highly unethical & illegal all over the world.


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